Friday, August 31, 2018

CDC Developmental Milestones Available in English and Spanish

Here is a great resource for families trying to determine what milestones they should be working on with their little one.  You can watch videos, complete a milestone checklist or even download a milestone tracker app.  

The Learn the Signs, Act Early website from the CDC ( has an amazing array of free resources for families and professionals. A new feature is the Spanish version of The Milestones in Action library. This resource was created to help parents, early care and education providers, and healthcare professionals to identify developmental milestones in very young children (2 months to 5 years) and areas of concern through photos and videos. No permissions are needed to use the photos and images in this library for educational or awareness-building purposes.

Milestones in Action button

Monday, August 13, 2018

Benefit of Play

Play is a child's job.  Help them do their job well by understanding the benefits of play and guiding your child to play that will help them develop skills in all areas.  Here is a resource that talks about the benefits of play to development in the areas of physical, emotional, social, cognitive, creative and communication.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Physical Development Delay: What to Look For

Do you have concerns that your child isn't moving like other kiddos his or her age?  Or maybe your older children were progressing faster than the little one?

Googling for information can lead to such a large amount and variety of age appropriate skills that it can be overwhelming.  Here is a link to access information and help you gather the information you need to start a conversation with your pediatrician.

There is also a list of age appropriate activities to look for.
Hold head up animation

You can also talk to your service provider from Davis Early Intervention if you have questions.