Monday, July 9, 2018

Davis Early Intervention Has a Facebook Group

We have recently started a Facebook Group with the hopes that families will be comfortable asking questions, sharing successes and communicating with Davis Early Intervention staff and other families via the Davis Early Intervention Facebook Group.  Please share your concerns, questions and suggestions.  We ask that you be respectful of each other.

Since we are new to this Facebook Group resource, please be patient with us and we figure out what we are doing!  We really want this to be an additional resource for our families, so teach us by asking your questions and sharing your comments.  We want parents to be able to communicate with each other, so feel free to answer questions and share experiences.

Our Davis Early Intervention Facebook Group is a closed group so anyone can see the group and request to join by searching in Groups or by clicking on this link:  However, only current members of the group will be able to see posts.  In order to make this successful, we need and want everyone to be involved!

We also want to say Thank You for sharing your little ones with us and letting us enjoy your family struggles and successes along with you.

We love our Davis Early Intervention Families and want to do all we can to provide support for you!