Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Electronic Versus Print Books

One of the the most important developmental activities that can be done with a child is reading because it helps children with language and the learning of new words.  It also helps to increase their knowledge base and allows parents to interact with their children. 

Researchers have found that when parents read with their children, parents and children speak more when reading with a print (paper) copy of a book rather than with an electronic version on a tablet. Parents also used more enriched language with their children when reading from a paper copy. They also found that when parents read from an electronic copy, the parents were less responsive to their children and their children were less engaged with their parents.

If you would like to read more about this visit: 

Information from this post came from the article "Differences in the Parent-Toddler Interacations with Electronic Versus Print Books" by Tiffany G. Munzer, Alison L. Miller, Heidi M. Weeks, Niko Kaciroti, and Jenny Radesky. (see website above)