Monday, May 12, 2014

Amazing Experience

This is going to be one of those sentimental posts, not an informative post.  Friday and Saturday were the National Championships for Clogging at Lagoon.  Dancers prepare all year for this weekend!  They begin in August learning new steps then putting the steps together to create a dance.  They select the music to dance to and decide what they want the costumes to look like.  Then spend the next nine months perfecting their dance and performing at qualifying competitions leading up to Nationals.  This is a major production in the clogging community!

Since my daughter-in-law is a clogging instructor at a local studio and my son and daughter also clog, I found myself at Lagoon on Saturday to cheer them on and enjoy the fruits of their labors.  We arrived an hour before showtime for my daughter and had the unexpected opportunity to see the Rhythm-N-Motion Rock Stars take the stage for their exhibition number "Singin' in the Rain". They took the stage in their rain slickers and clogging shoes and carried umbrellas filled with glitter to the cheers of the entire audience.  The Rock Stars are a team of adults with Down syndrome and they are amazing!  They really rocked the stage!  I think they received more audience support than any single team there, because usually it is only the people from the dancer's studio with their phones recording and giving whoops and hollers.  This team stole the show because of their awesome ability and willingness to perform.  It was amazing to look out over the audience and see so many phones taking pictures and recording the talents of these women.

I loved seeing the support for the Rock Stars on Saturday.  I love the support that is provided for everyone of the kiddos we work with as we celebrate their accomplishments and cheer one another on.  This is another amazing community accomplishing great things!

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