Friday, April 10, 2015

Raise Your Kids Happy

I came across this post on Bless This Mess about Secrets to Raising Happy Kids a few weeks ago and it resonated with me.  Are we doing the things we need to so that our kids experience happy enough? You can find the whole article at the link below, I just want to share the main points.

Secret #1:
Find adventure together.  The unexpected adventures are the best and allow for great teaching moments.  Instead of getting upset about a difficult situation, help your child to see it as an adventure. This will help to decrease your child's stress as well as your stress.

Secret #2:
Date your kids.  What better way is there to help your child feel special than to give them one-on-one time with a parent?  You can plan a special "date" or just a trip to the grocery store or the library.  The important part is the time you give to each child.

Secret #3:
Don't fear dirt.  I attended a training a few years ago that pointed out that children today don't have the same opportunities to play outside as I did when I was young.  This situation was referred to as a "Nature Deficit".  There are so many opportunities to learn, play and de-stress by spending time outside and not worrying about the dirt.

Secret #4:
Don't be their only love.  If you have family close then you have lucky children!  If you don't, then help your children get to know other people in their neighborhood.  This will help them to feel safe and connected.  Some of my best friends when I was growing up were the retired couple who lived behind us and the elderly widow next door.  If anything good happened to me, they were some of the first people I would visit to tell them all about it and they were always willing to listen and celebrate with me.

Secret #5:
Let them create.  Children can be creative in so many ways: artistically, verbally, dramatically, and individually.  This is how children can find their passion, so encourage them to create and cheer them on.

Secret #6:
Let them be silly.  There are times when we don't want our children to be silly, but for the most part, silliness is a child's right.  Most adults understand a child's need to be silly and accept that, so let them be silly.  Don't worry about what other people think more than you worry about what your child thinks.  They need your acceptance to be themselves.

Secret #7:
Let them take the reins.  Children are constantly learning from us and seeing what we are interested in.  Sometimes we need to let them be in charge of a simple activity (making cookies, creating a fort, or leading story time).  This will teach them to be in charge of themselves in the future.

Secret #8:
Don't underestimate the little things.  The little things are those things that take hardly any energy, money or effort but mean so much to little ones.  Incorporate those things generously to help your child feel special.

Secret #9:
Let them be little.  It's okay if our children get tired or need help (again) with a task.  They are young and they are learning and sometimes that takes a lot of energy!

Secret #10:
Teach by example.  This one isn't really something we have to put extra effort into - it happens whether we want it to or not.  The secret is teaching by good example.  Are you doing what you want your child to learn?

Be sure to read the blog post for more information and for Melissa's perspective on these secrets.

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