Saturday, October 20, 2012

Please Help Us Help Your Children

The Early Intervention program in the state of Utah, like most other educational programs in the state, received a budget cut for this year.  Because of that budget cut, people have lost jobs, services have been reduced and fewer people are doing more to make sure your families and children receive the support and services you need.  We are facing further budget cuts, unless we do something now.  Additional budget cuts would mean decreasing services and maybe even discontinuing services for children with moderate delays.  In order to avoid this the Baby Watch Early Intervention Program has requested a "building block" to be added to the Governor's budget.  The building block request has been approved through the State Department of Health and the next step is for the Governor to include us in his budget proposal to the State Legislators. 

Here is how you can help.  Please contact the Governor and the Governor's Office of Management and Budget to let them know that you are concerned about Early Intervention.  You can contact them by email or phone.  You can also attend Town Hall Meetings to get some face time with the decision makers to voice your concerns.  If the Governor approves adding Early Intervention to his budget, it will then go to the state legislature and we may ask for your help again.  For now we recommend that parents include the following types of things in a phone call or email:

1.  Your Name

2.  Where you live by city or county

3. Thank the Governor for his current and past support of this program and explain that your child is or was in the Baby Watch Early Intervention Program.

4. Tell your story.  Explain how Early Intervention has benefitted your child and your family and why the services are important.  Let them know that families like yours might not get the services they need without the funding for the Baby Watch Early Intervention Program.  Explain that Early Intervention services are an investment in your child's future.

5.  Ask them to support the full amount of the funding request for the Baby Watch Early Intervention Program.

Remember to be brief and clear in your request and thank them for their consideration!

Contact information for the Governor, the Governor's Office of Management and Budget and the State Budget Director are:

Gov. Gary Herbert
801 538-1000
E220 State Capitol Complex

Clifford Strachan
Gov. Office of Management and Budget
801 538-1861

Ron Bigelow, State Budget Director
150 State Capitol Complex
801 538-1555

Parents play a critical role in giving a voice to our program.  We can't wait until this goes to the legislature to take action.  We need to get it into the Governor's budget now.

Thank you for your help!

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